Sukerare Village With Cultural Uniques And Beautiful Songket Fabrics

Sukarare Village is one of the old tourist destinations on the Lombok Island, precisely located in Central Lombok Regency, initially growing and developing organically, introduced by a foreign tourist from France named Fredrick in 1969.

Over time, Sukarara Village, which is now more or less half a century old, is known as a tourist attraction with specifications for songket weaving typical of the Sasak tribe, with such a long age this destination ideally has a population of approximately 11,000 people with a number of families of around 3,650 people living well and However, the fact is that the tabulation of the poverty rate data in this village is very high, referring to the oldest data released by the village government in a presentation, it turns out that the poverty rate reaches 70 percent, around 2,651 families live below the poverty line.


Based on that, the tourism activities that occur in this village actually do not have a massive economic impact on the population, even though the number of weavers who have been caught by recent data is around 1,791. and I'm sure the number could be more based on the number of families when it's assumed that there is one weaver in one family, then the number will be around 3000 or more weavers.


In fact, this village is recorded as the most weavers in the province of NTB, maybe if there is national data on weavers, this village is a weaving village with the largest community of weaving craftsmen nationally and that could happen after collecting data on craftsmen throughout Indonesia.


So from this data, we have now started to pioneer in applying CBT (Community Based Tourism) community-based tourism in order to maintain the sustainability of weavers as well as Sustainable Tourism, even though the majority poverty figures or data with the large number of weavers who still preserve their ancestral heritage are paradoxical, but maintaining and Maintaining the sustainability of tourism activities and weaving activities must be cared for and maintained, so with the ease of regulation by the government today, BUMDES is now present as a facilitator who helps to answer the problems of weavers related to raw materials and marketing.


By taking advantage of the high number of tourist visits to Sukarara Village, now BUMDES as the main collector by paying for community handicrafts in cash based on the village's financial capacity and then being marketed to artshops who have made a commitment between BUMDES and the artshop.


One of the artshops that started this activity was Bahri Artshop and in the future, after having a common perception with other artshop actors, it is possible that all artshops are BUMDES partners who help the craftsman community, with the hope that the goals we want to achieve are tourism activities that occur in this village. can have a direct impact on the community as well as indirectly as a booster of PEADES Sukarara Village which is felt by the community through development and empowerment, because so far from tourism activities that have long developed it turns out to only benefit small groups and this threatens the extinction of the craftsmen nor can they realize sustainable tourism or sustainable tourism.


We do all of this for the sake of achieving Sustainable Tourism, not only talking about Sukarara Village but also Lombok NTB tourism, and we hope that our fellow tourism players will start to open their eyes regarding the chaos that has been happening so far that can harm the people we exploit.


The Uniqueness of Sukerare Weaving Village, Central Lombok

One of the cultural villages in Central Lombok, which is famous for its characteristic, namely producing woven fabrics typical of the Sasak Tribe, Lombok Island has a uniqueness that is different from other cultural destinations in Lombok.


1. Girls Must Weave Before Marriage

For girls in this village, they are required to learn to weave with traditional weaving equipment, which is a condition that the gasis in the village of sukerare have to go through in order to get married.


2. Unique weaving results from the Sasak Tribe

Of the most weaving products produced by weaving craftsmen on the island of Lombok, only in the village of sukerare which has a weaving product that is so distinctive with the beauty of the Sasak tribe.


3. Making Woven Fabrics with Traditional Tools

The woven cloth produced in the village of sukerare uses traditional tools, which are a piece of woven cloth that can take months to get beautiful and perfect results.


4. The Uniqueness of the Sasak Traditional House

Every tourist who visits this village can see the uniqueness of the Sasak Traditional Traditional House and besides that, tourists can try to use traditional Sasak clothes to take pictures in front of the Sasak Traditional House. 


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